Mission, Vision, & Values

"I will return and will rebuild the Tabernacle of David, which has fallen down..."

The Mission

The Mission of Global Tabernacle of David is to raise up places of 24 hours a day, seven days a week worship and adoration of Jesus throughout the earth. To seek out, train, and establish those within the Body of Jesus Christ called as Worshipers, Intercessors, Prophets, and Scribes to throne room worship as established in the original Tabernacle of David and later illustrated in Revelation 4.

Our Values

  • Audience of One Worship and Adoration
  • Bringing Heaven to Earth…The Kingdom of God right here, right now (reference the Lord’s Prayer)
  • All Nations are sought and welcomed (every tribe and tongue)
  • Generations are essential (God is the God of multigenerational movements i.e. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)
  • Every song, word and revelation given to us from Father God is to be stewarded and put into action.

The Vision

Global Tabernacle of David is a global worship and prophetic prayer movement with the mandate of modeling Throne Room worship and adoration of King Jesus as established first by King David and later revealed to us in the book of Revelation. We are a night and day, 24/7 place of worship for all nations.
This vision is accomplished by having prophetic worship and intercessory teams assigned around the world for 1–2-hour worship sessions covering twenty-four hours each day, seven days each week, for all twelve months of the year. It also includes having scribes (individuals gifted in documenting and summarizing events) assigned to every session so that every song, prayer, prophetic word, vision, or encounter, is documented and later reviewed and discussed. Because we place the highest value on the written, spoken and revealed word of God, we do not take lightly anything the Lord speaks to and through us, rather, we put it into practical practice and follow in obedience to the words we receive.
This movement is marked by those called to throne room worship (Davidic worship). Those committed to stewarding well all the Lord reveals while in His presence ministering at His feet. We believe that as God is glorified, the nations of this world are transformed. Our calling is to be an “on earth as it is in heaven” worship model. To release all that is on the heart of the Father for this earth until His son Jesus returns and every knee will bow, and tongue confess that He is Lord.

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