Our Story

How it all started...

In August of 2020, the Lord began to speak to me about a "new thing" that He wanted to do on the earth within the context of night and day worship and intercession. At this time, He gave me a couple of visions regarding the gathering of His worshippers from all over the world to come before the throne of King Jesus in worship and adoration. It was during this season that the Lord gave me His heart to help facilitate the building of a Global Tabernacle of David.

In January of 2021, I put out a "clarion call" to see who might be interested in joining me on this journey of forming a global, worship movement. What came from this was the beginning formational stages of what the Lord had put on my heart, and during the first twelve months a small team of us, representing three countries and four states, gathered regularly, on-line, from our different homes across the globe. We came together from very diverse backgrounds but with one single purpose: boldly coming before the throne of Jesus, casting down our crowns at His feet, and worshiping Him and His holiness. As we faithfully worshiped together for over a year, we began to see first-hand what was possible when the people of God from around the world come together in unity in worship. The Lord knit our hearts together in such a deep and profound way, that only He could do. At that point many of us had never met in person, only on-line, and yet here we were worshipping, prophesying, and praying together to see the kingdom of heaven come and inviting His glory to come (on earth as in heaven). In our second year we established consistent worship times each week as we worked towards accomplishing are mission of having twenty-four hours of worship, seven days a week around the world.

Building a movement...

In July of 2022, Global Tabernacle of David received its official nonprofit (501c3) status. We celebrated our “official” public launch as a ministry with a 25 Hour On-line Global Worship Event on October 21-22, 2022. Since then, we have expanded our weekly worship sessions as we continue to pursue our mission of twenty-four hours/seven days a week (24/7) worship.

We have now hosted on-line and in-person global worship gatherings in addition to our regular on-line worship times. We continue to partner with and seek out those who wish to worship with us as we grow this movement. Although still in the infancy of our journey, we remain focused on the simplicity of our mission of worship and adoration of Jesus!

Where we are going...

Our goal is to establish day and night worship  centers across the world that are focused on worshiping around the throne of Jesus, praying His will to be manifest on the earth just as it is in heaven. We have started this journey by hosting regular worship meetings online, with each participant joining from their individual homes, work spaces, offices, or wherever they are able. From here we plan to grow into larger facilities around the world for corporate gatherings all the while remaining connected online with our worldwide teams.

To accomplish this mandate we will need to employ full time staff from around the world that are skilled in leading worship, facilitating prophetic teams, intercessory teams, tech and IT divisions, as well as administration and operational oversight. Our vision is big, but our God is even bigger! We are seeking those who would like to come and join us in this mission.

Supporting Global Tabernacle of David is all about cultivating relationship and building up the global Body of Christ. We want to see everyone with a passion for living a worshipping lifestyle and a calling to advance the heart of God for houses of worship around the world, to come and work with us in this pursuit. We also invite those with kingdom resources who believe in what we are doing to partner with us so together we can build this end time worship movement and prepare the way of the Lord’s return.

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